D & LT consultants  诞生于中国留学行业初起时

Since 1998   岁月承载我们对国际教育的使命和热情





我们尊重父母为子女出国留学所做出的奉献和牺牲,我们了解学生出国后可能遇到的困难和挑战,我们视留学为时间、财富和情感的三重投资,为此,我们要像对待自己的亲人一样对待留学生和留学生家长,使其留学投资获得最大回报, 在他们需要帮助的任何时候, 第一时间伸出援手。





Since 1998   岁月承载我们对国际教育的使命和热情
"Message from Chairman and Founder"

Time flies! Since its establishment in 1998, D & LT Consultants has entered its third decade of serving students study abroad.


Throughout the years, D & LT has grown from a regional consulting company to one of the most influential educational service providers in China. It has been a journey of efforts and dedications.


Globalization has pushed the demand for overseas education to unprecedented levels. More Chinese students hope to study abroad than ever. China's fast-growing economy is allowing large families to invest in overseas education. The outbreak of COVID-19 has reshaped the international education industry.


With the goal of "Helping foster Chinese students to become qualified global citizens", D & LT has been committed to providing the best educational opportunities for Chinese students eager to understand the world and pursue success overseas. Taking student interests as the top priority, we have successfully assisted over 10000 students entering world-class universities.


Being professionals in education advisory services who abide by the international education industry code of ethics, we help foreign institutions to expand their reach in the Chinese market. We maintain strong partnerships with institutions throughout the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Europe, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and the etc. Our professionalism has won the praise and the trust of overseas institutions. Hundreds of universities have authorized D & LT to be their recruitment agency in China, including many ranked among the world's top 100 universities.


Studying abroad not only means receiving globally-recognized qualifications but also about expanding students’ international perspectives, enhancing cross-cultural communications, building international connections, and cultivating critical thinking. These benefits will be valuable assets that immensely benefit students throughout their lives. The exciting opportunities and vivid memories will long remain highlights of their personal experience.


Relying on our strong institutional resources, credibility, and the reputation we’ve developed over 20 years, D & LT is helping increasingly large numbers of students to plan their overseas studies. We are proud to have the privilege of participating in one of the most important turning points in students’ lives. It is an immense honor for us at D & LT.

 D & LT, Dream Leads Tomorrow !



